Comic Book Talk

Rezing this thread to ask if anyone has checked out the Jonathan Hickman X-Men relaunch/reboot/re-establishment/whatever with House of X and Powers of X. Not sure where it's all going as of yet but it's gotten me back into the mutant books after many years of not reading new stuff from them at all, and several of the new titles they announced at SDCC have piqued my interest. I've been down on Marvel's overall output for a while now, but the X-Men are my sentimental/historical favorite family of books, so I'm at least happy to see them getting pushed the fore again after quite a few years of them languishing due to crazy Ike Perlmutter and the Fox movie rights.

Yeah, I'm reading them as well. The one thing I don't like is there different titles. If it's the same story that you have to follow, just give it one title and leave it alone. I would imagine some, who don't read all three way to the end might miss that you have to read both.

The story itself is very intriguing. I would imagine before it's all said and done that there will be swerves and I fully expect that either "Charles," or whoever body he's inhabited, will get screwed by Eric (or the other way around).

The X-book I'm looking forward to is Excalibur. It's original namesake, X-Calibur, was my favorite X-book after X-Factor. It's going to be nice to see this new version with a new leader.

I also appreciate Marvel allowing their new class of artist take a crack. We've all talked in the past about how DC was blowing them out of the water with talent. At least some new blood is getting a crack at it.

Marvel also better hope that Hickman has a long story planned out. He's already on record saying that after X-Men, all of his other dream projects are at DC.

My one final concern is that this Hickman universe will be great and awesome, and then once we get closer to the X-Men joining the MCU, it's all going to go away.