Kill It With Fire (official thread devoted to spiders, snakes, etc.)

Being from the UK, never really had to worry about bitey stingy things too much. However, moving to Missouri changed that!

I dont mind too many critter, but not a fan of spiders, i give them a wide birth unless they are in my house, lots of brown recluses here so any spider dies, i dont chance it.

However I had a run in with spider a few years ago: I was siting in basement on computer, i feel a something on my leg- I assumed it was cats tail brushing on me, so I swipe down at my leg, however, I make contact with something much more solid, and hear and audible thud as something hit the floor. I tuned on desk light and looked down only to see a very large wolf spider on the floor, abut 5-6 inches across including legs. I t scurried behind my PC desk which is a corner desk.

I shine a light on it and see the 8 eyes reflecting back ( how i later identified it as a wold spider). and after some shenanigans with a sword and a glue trap, got rid off it, but to think that was on my leg still gives me the willies.

Also- feck sharks

my kid and my girl tease me because I am scared of 1 thing besides heights... spiders

but as far as fecking sharks... when I was about 9 my family went to Destin for a vacation. I was about 10 ft from shore when I hear my dad screaming "stand ******* still, don't move!" so I do and he eventually gestures for me to come back to shore. come to find out as my older brother is laughing audibly that a "6 or 7" ft shark was within about a foot of me. I never knew and from that day forward ive only really swam in pools.