Comic Con Talk (Renamed since LA Comic Con can't get it together)

I had a nice conversation with the artists who did that Superman print you got. I really loved their art. Didnt buy anything from them today but got their card and will likely be making an online purchase soon. I was really blown away by their stuff, both their original work and pop culture stuff as well.

I just looked them up online. They go to comic cons all over the place. They were at SDCC last month.

So the print I was going to buy was a smaller size, probably a 6 x 10 or something like that. It was $20. No problem. I pay him and he goes to look for it, but can't find any. I was a bit bummed, but he said, "I can refund or I can give you a deal on the 10 x 20. How about $30 for it?" It is normally $50, so I saved $20 and was quite happy. Now I just need to find a frame to put it in.