Comic Book Talk
I read a few comics over the years, but never really stuck to any one series except for Hama's GI Joe.
Then, when my daughter was ages 2-5 she was really into DC characters and I'd pick up some kid-friendly ones and read them to her or tell her the stories.
Well, she and my son (10 and 6) went into our LCS last week a couple of times because they wanted to get into comics themselves. We enjoy Spider Man in the house and she walked over to the Spider Man section and was overwhelmed. I explained to her that I felt the same - and though I'd been in comic book shops a fair bit over the years, I was at a loss as to what to explain to her about the different series available.
And then my son was intrigued by Teen Titans, because he watches Teen Titans Go! And he was asking about that.
I didn't know where to start. I searched "how to start reading comics" and that wasn't helpful either
it has been a daunting landscape, because I want to support their interest and what little I read is too advanced for them, but I'd like them to start on a series that they'd like (I know my son is pretty young for it, probably)
I've just never felt so overwhelmed walking into a comic store