Comic Book Talk

I'm just going to say that, for me personally, Tom King has had one of the biggest falls from grace on a book run I've seen in a while. Dude was winning Eisners and getting near universal praise on this book last year and then it all started to go sideways with the wedding nonsense and then Knightmare and its just... really gone off the rails for me.

Yeah. Issue #50 turned me off to him. I remember telling once at a con that even though I enjoyed his run up to #50, he had made Batman such a polarizing book with fans that I believed that Batman would be better with him off of it.

Knightmares just killed whatever support I had remaining. It was beyond horrible and a pure of example of why some stuff shouldn't take 6-8 issues to write. That arc was just horrid.

City of Bane has been pretty good thus far though.