Popeye's Chicken Sandwich

Well, I don't have many connections in life but I do have access to fresh Krispy Krunchy chicken. My Pops owns a convenient store in nowhere, North Louisiana. He never leaves day old chicken. Honestly, he probably misses out on sales by not cooking enough. I don't know if I am lucky or unlucky that it doesn't mess up my stomach.
Good on your pops for only serving fresh fried chicken. I wish all of the locations had the same standards. And, I doubt the stuff was actually a day old, I just meant that it was certainly far from fresh.

As to the actual topic at hand, this sandwich is actually causing people to lose their minds. I just went to the Popeye's on Vets before Bonnabel because I saw they had no long line in the drive thru which always means the inside is empty at this location. Apparently, this woman didn't know they are out of the sandwiches and had planned on getting six of them (I really hope she was picking up food for her whole family or office or something). Instead, she ordered six regular combo meals. In the few minutes that passed between her placing the order and getting to the window, she lost her sheet. She pulled up to the window and started screaming for the manager. Well, the manager was at the window already. She proceeded to rant and rave about them not having the sandwich and how the manager is incompetent yada yada yada...she then said, "I don't want any of this forking food, I came here to get the sandwiches!!!" and drove out of the drive thru/parking lot (you're almost in the street when you pull up past the window) by slamming on the gas and caused a wreck by t-boning some poor guy in his work truck who was just driving down Vets in the right lane. She's lucky there wasn't three lanes of traffic when this happened like there usually is during the day on Vets. A second after this happened, my three strip combo was ready and I walked out the front door to hear the woman screaming at the poor guy she just slammed into. I turned back into the store and the manager was already calling the police, so I went about my business.

I, too, wish they had the sandwich because I ordered spicy strips and got mild and they were basically room temperature three minutes later when I got back to the office but I'm not going to flip out and become a menace to society over my fast food lunch.

They better get this sandwich back soon or advertise on television that it's out before stuff like this becomes a trend. Luckily, this thread exists because I'm not downloading their app to tell me when the sandwich is back. I'll rely on the faithful SR members who typically report important information like this just as fast as the company would themselves.