Why do I still feel angry?

That was my point exactly, not that they don’t see it, but that they obviously think that we will tolerate it forever.
True, they seem to enjoy the controversy.

But one thing for sure is that they are not in favor of overturning the initial judgments of their officiating crews. They started this review experiment merely to make it look like they are trying to make the correct calls. But it is backfiring badly on them. Frankly it would have been a whole lot better if they had put an 'invisible' booth official that could have privately called down to the field to the head official and let him know that the initial call was questionable and needs to be reviewed. That way it would have appeared that the officials would have been correcting their own mistake and not been hung out to dry for being incompetent.

The reviews are rarely seen/concluded the same way by everyone and so the officials always come off looking 'exposed' due to the way it's now being handled. I'm sure that the league would much prefer that things went back to letting the officials just call it as they see it and let folks accept that not every call will be perfect. Right now it seems that officials are no longer confident about what to call and what not to call due to every call being so scrutinized. It's a no win situation for the refs even if they are really trying to get it right.