Comic Book Talk

@JLaneSaints, why aren't you digging t he Spidey books? This is the most of Spidey I've read in a long, long time (currently reading ASM, FNSM, and Miles). Spencer and Taylor has been killing it on their respective books.

I never picked up Iron Man once I knew Slott was on it. I gave him a chance with the F4 relaunch, but dropped that as well. He needs to go ride off into the sunset and take his pal Bendis with him.

To be fair, I was only reading the one. I didn't really care for the Kraven stuff, and I don't know, it just seemed like nothing new. It wasn't bad per se, just wasn't feeling it. The Dr. Strange and Captain Marvel are more interesting to me right now, and I limit myself to a certain amount of subscriptions, so I'll drop the Spider-Man for the X-titles