What is the definition of a mass shooting?

The United StatesCongressional Research Service acknowledges that there is not a broadly accepted definition and defines a “public mass shooting”[1] as an event where someone selects four or more people and kills them in an indiscriminate manner, echoing the FBI’s definition of the term "mass murder." But adding the indiscriminate factor.[2

I think this is the only useful definition, one that helps us determine what type of animal (classification term) we are dealing with. If you are just crunching numbers somewhere or trying to see what kind of murders you face most, it makes no sense to have revenge or gang related right along side psychopath (the other kind) murders. And they are two very different kinds of crimes. One you are usually trying to solve a crime and the other you usually have the culprit and the only thing you can do is learn and try to prevent future ones.