We present a representative case of a professional basketball player treated with this novel procedure. After the surgical repair, the patient was placed in a plaster splint for 3 days to immobilize the thumb and wrist. At 3 days postsurgery, the splint was removed and therapy initiated. Practice drills were initiated at 1 week postsurgery with the use of a removable hand-based thumb spica custom splint. During the entire postoperative period, the left thumb MCP joint had excellent stability to radial stress at full extension and 30 degrees of flexion. In addition, at 3 weeks postsurgery, the patient was able to oppose the thumb tip to the palmar-digital crease of the small finger and MCP joint motion was 0 to 50 degrees. The patient began strengthening exercises at this time, along with the ability to participate in all position-specific drills. At 5 weeks postsurgery, the patient was cleared to return to full play, without use of a splint.