What to read

I used to read a couple of books a weeks but since I discovered computers and the internet (around 1995) I probably read less than 20 books a year. I wonder how common this is.

Anyway I've decided I need to start reading more and would like to get some recommendations. Anybody got any can't miss lists. I like both fiction and non-fiction and am partial to military history but would like to hear any suggestions regardless of genre.

Thanks in advance.

By the way, I just finished re-reading Lonesome Dove and would definetly recommend it to anyone who likes adventure or western novels. It's one of my favorites eventhough I'm not all that in to westerns.

+1... I was an avid reader all my life until I got an internet connection. As far as recommendations- I'm not sure if your tastes would be similar to mine since I'm not really inot military history or westerns, but since you asked- and for anyone else who might be looking for something a little different, but very well-written, the best book I've read in the last few years is called "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius." It's by a guy named Dave Eggers, and the basic premise is that it's his true story of when he was in his early 20s and both of his parents died of cancer within six months of each other, and he had to raise his 9 year old brother. Sounds depressing- and a few parts are- but it's really funny and clever. His follow up "You Shall Hear Our Velocity" is pretty good, too- though not as good as the first, IMO..... Oh, and I've been trying to finish Bill Clinton's "My Life" for literally 3 years now, but it's reeally long and I ususally only pick it up a couple times a year. What I've read of it is pretty good, though. :)