The Flash - Season 6

I liked the first episode of Flash. I really liked the black hole guy, and with Cisco leaving the show (or at least having a reduced role), I assumed they were setting him up as a replacement. Overall, it was a fun episode (especially the music choices), and I've got enough history with Mohinder Suresh from Heroes to be interested in where his villain goes. I just know he CAN'T be worse than Cicada(s) last year. They were TERRIBLE.

I watched episode 1 of Batwoman and it already felt like a chore. I'll be fair and give it a few episodes, but honestly, I wonder if they even make it the requisite 3 or 4 seasons before they need to officially introduce Bruce Wayne for a ratings bump and he leaves her with a "Gotham's in good hands, but I'll be here when you need" before going to continue working on whatever's keeping him away now.

Totally unrelated show in a totally unrelated universe, but this past week's episode of Titans on DC Universe was probably the best episode the show's produced so far. It was almost exclusively about Connor Kent. I really enjoyed it.