Ft Worth police officer shoots woman to death inside her home

My 0.02

Training. If you look at a lot of these shootings they are done by individuals with a brief time on the force. A lot of police training revolves around shooting an individual and let's be honest, unless the situation has gone to Hell in a hand basket, the duty weapon does not need to be removed from the holster. I have fought with a lot of people over my career and I am pretty sure had I shot one of them, it would be found justified. However, I am not (and was not) afraid to take a punch. I would rather break someone's nose than kill them over petty shirt anyways! I always viewed my firearm as only in case of emergency. Also during training I feel a lot of the material is making out the civilian populace to be the bad guy, kinda like military training when occupying foreign territory. US citizens in CONUS are not subject to ROE, they are subject to the US Constitution and unfortunately some of our officers forget that.

While these incidents seem to happen more frequently, I still am hesitant to say that it is factual that they are happening at a higher pace. With the instant news we now enjoy, I think that what happened in Ft Worth is now instantly transmitted worldwide vs a few years ago when the news mostly stayed in the local area. However, as police officers we have to be better than this. We are entrusted with a great responsibility and we have to live up to that. The US citizen, and non citizen for that fact, deserves as much. I think most officers go above and beyond in their duties, the few that don't, well, they have to pay the price.

Kudos to you. The problem is once a perp is within striking distance, he could also potentially take your weapon. I've read the rule is roughly 20 feet of clearance, before the gun should be removed from the holster before someone with a close combat weapon like a knife can close the distance in a charge. Now you add in low-light conditions, and you can understand why officers can be a bit trigger happy. I don't really know what a good solution to this is.