Mike Detillier: Saints face huge challenge in Chicago

The Chicago defense on the road is a different animal. Can't compare that to any of those teams you listed. And they are angry about Oakland. Really angry.
If they didn't want to be angry about Oakland then they should have played better football. Right now the strongest, most physical & fundamentally sound football team in all three phases is the Saints. Heavenly Father, I pray for Ryan, Larry, Eric, Andrus, & Teron. I aske that you endow them with heavenly strength from on high like Samson had & bless the swiftness & strength of our wonderful defensive line as well. Give our LBs the Johnny on the spot play diagnosis & protect all of our boys from injuries. God grant Teddy a laser like arm & split second precision timing to the ball out to only his receivers. Give Dan Arnold the power & talent to not only make every grab, but hold onto the ball as those dirty bears try to rip it from his grip. Keep CGM in your merciful blessing & continue to safeguard his talented hands which you gave him. And lead our wonderful young warriors to another glorious victory in Jesus sweet name. WHODAT!