My department at one point consisted of 5 Sr. Directors, an ops manager, myself, our VP and a full time consultant. All the directors are PhD biomedical engineers/scientists/drug developers - with the exception of the Business Development director. The nature of their positions inherently pay more than mine so it's not something I can really compare my own salary to. However, it would be nice to see salaries of others in the company with the same pay grade as me and compare notes. All I can base it on at this point is what I find on Glassdoor and the range is very large - there can be a $40-$50k discrepancy based on what is claimed on that site.
That being said, the operations manager quit back in May and I have been doing her job plus mine for 6 months now; in addition to a lot of the early engagement bus dev stuff as our BD director quit back in February and we also did not replace her and instead farmed out a lot of stuff to the greater bus dev department. At one point I had hoped they'd back-fill the ops manager role and I could focus on only mine. Finance takes up way too much of my time. I realized that they are probably not going to fill that role as the ultimate goal of my department once our grant funding ends in ~1 year - is to embed our different functions into other areas of my company which is already beginning to happen.
After thinking about it over the weekend, I came in to work yesterday and told my boss that I've been doing the job of 2.5 people for 6 months and that I felt that I deserved a salary increase and potentially an expanded title as well. Without hesitation he said he agreed and would get it processed with HR. My boss is cool, knows how much I've been doing (he's been doing a lot to pick up slack from some other vacated positions as well) and we are generally on the same page but I still kind of expected the default corporate answer of "budget...fiscal year...blah blah blabbedy blah".