Outdated "manners" you'd like to see go away

I guess this could be manners related, but formal dress codes at work when it's not really necessary. Specifically long sleeves and pants ones, because there's nothing better than tromping around during a LA summer to go home and peel your pants off.

Our office recently changed our dress code to polos and khaki shorts after reading the fine print in the corporate guidelines that allow each office to set their own dress in relation to their geographical area.

We got the idea from a visitation to an engineering office during an off time. They were all dressed in camo, fishing gear, and yard attire. We were kind of blown away, but they said they dress comfy when they don't have formal meetings.

I work in an office park and the other businesses definitely noticed our trend and some have followed suit. The brief bathroom encounters usually go like this, "Hey what do you guys do over there?" "Oh really, and you get wear shorts?!" A month later I see the director of that business sporting shorts throughout the week. Another engineering firm approved jeans and polos during the week.

We've seen no noticeably difference in work respect, effort, or productivity. In fact the employees are much happier!