The Recipe Thread [tm--CajunCook]

I bought a Zojurushi induction rice robot from Japan awhile back so I can cook rice anyway I want it with little effort. It was my reward once I deemed myself a competent rice cook. It's running right now with some Louisiana rice to go with a quick batch of Tuesday night chicken and sausage gumbo.

30 minutes till dinner!
I had never heard of a Zojurushi until your post so I went to Amazon to look one up. I was expecting to see some higher priced devices but they weren’t that bad. They also had a instant pot on the same page. Like you there are many different dishes that go great with rice that I love. My father in law spent a few tours in Vietnam and won’t eat anything with rice which I guess I understand. Just like my father wouldn’t allow Spam in our house after his time in WW2.