Thoughts on Reliant Stadium?

I agree with my other half: the stadium looks great and the view of the field was terrific (except that in Houston, people never stay in their seats - what's up with that? I thought people go to a game to watch it, not climb up and down the stairs the whole game), but the annoying, non-stop NOISE from the speakers (called music and promos) couldn't have been any more annoying. That garbage makes me want to stay home and watch games, not go to the stadiums. They kept putting up songs that were "fan picks" and encouraging people to send in suggestions. Well, I have one: TURN OFF THE CRAPPY MUSIC! Let me talk to the people I came to the game with and be able to myself think, for crying out loud.

Also, Optimus Saint and I agreed that the seats are TOO SMALL - and they are hard and decidedly not comfortable. They were like high school theater seats. The Superdome has them beat hands down on that.

Finally, slightly off topic, I had to laugh when they announced the paid attendance and said it was "an NFL record in Houston football history." There's no way there were 70,000 whatever actually in the stadium. I couldn't believe how many empty seats there were, especially in the middle levels, not to mention how many people had left by the middle of the fourth quarter. I mean, they're team was winning, for crying out loud, and they took off. Football FANS don't do that. They stick around enjoy every minute. Real hard cases like us stay until the last second even when our team is getting pounded. We'd NEVER leave when we're winning unless the EMS guys were pulling us out on a stretcher (even then, if we were conscious, we'd be asking them to wait).

EDIT: I looked back and noticed I mostly jujst put my complaints, so to be fair:
I have to compliment them on those monstrous screens at each end zone. Totally awesome picture on those things that are probably bigger than my house.

I really like the hallways outside the stadium. Big, spacious, and all the windows make it seem even bigger. A nice atmosphere out there.
Also, the variety of food vendors out there was excellent, way better than the Superdome and most stadiums.