Did You Sell Your Tickets to the 49ers Game?

Well those 10k sure did enough to get themselves heard on tv. I'm not saying it was quiet you guys are definitely not understanding me. I'm saying it should have been louder. This game was huge.. this wasnt some regular game. This was FOR our position in the playoffs so it should have been treated AS a playoff game to above, Mr you dont say.

It was loud. And I heard it from section 628, not my couch.

I've said it a bunch of times, but when you sell your tickets you don't have a choice of who to sell them to. There's nothing stopping Saints fans from buying tickets except their unwillingness or inability to pay for them. Add to that the fact that New Orleans is an incredible place to visit and you will have a lot of visitors.

There doesn't need to be all this judgement being passed around at regular ticket holders. It's not like we get a sweet deal on the tickets and the water costs less than $4.75. This is just what the NFL is now. You should contribute to the cause by buying a ticket online next time.