Did You Sell Your Tickets to the 49ers Game?

Then let them go and let folks buy them that will show up instead of treating it like a business decision. Allowing the opposing team's fans to buy tickets hurts our homefield advantage and is an odd thing for a "fan" of the saints to do. How can you root for the team and then do that? SMH

How about you don’t tell me what to do with tickets that I’ve had before most people even thought about getting tickets. I’ve had them since 2002, they were the first thing I bought when I moved back to the United States. There sure wasn’t a waiting list back then. All you had to do was call the ticket office and boom, you had tickets. I have sat in the Dome with not too many people with me and I remember not being able to give them away. Maybe you missed the part about if I don’t feel like going. And no, if I happen to stay home, I’m certain that the noise that I fail to make or the noise that two other people would make, will not make a difference in the game.

Perhaps all these people that are complaining about people selling tickets, go buy all the tickets that are listed on the secondary market and give them away to Saints fans. There is absolutely nothing wrong with an opposing teams fan being able to come to the SuperDome and to enjoy the experience of watching a game here. The 49er fans, had no impact on the game at all... the refs had a big influence in the second half.