What is the strangest meat you have eaten?
My best answer is "I don't know"...I'm not one to shy away from trying different foods, but two different instances come to mind.
The first was in China when we were doing 'hot pot' style. This is where there is a pot of broth at the center of the table, pot is heated from below, and they give you all sorts of veggies and meats to put into the broth. We had three different carts of bowls, I don't remember the exact count but I would guess 15-20 and we tried every single one of them. Some were better than others, but overall it was very enjoyable. At some point I inquired with our native host as to the types of meats and I was told in short order (with a slight smile), "don't ask!!..." :oops::oops:. Nonetheless, it was good... I can only guess.
Another time was in Kuala Lumpar airport in one of the special elite-class lounges. I don't recall how I was able to get in, but I did... Anyways, they had a huge array of different regional Asian foods and I started at one end and worked my way towards the other end. There was some seriously good grub, but when I hit the Korean dishes my good ride took a wild turn. There was one dish with a thick reddish sauce and chunks of things. The visual was okay, but it was the smell that set off the alarm... and so of course I took a couple of spoonfuls. There was a clear relation between the god awful smell and the taste, but the taste won handily. It remains the single worst bite of meat/food/whatever I've ever had. Seriously, whatever concoction it was left an incredibly horrid taste in my mouth that lingered for days. I simply could not get rid of it by rinsing, scrubbing, gargling, mouth breathing, washing it down with beer, etc.. no matter what I tried, it was still there.. It basically had wear off. To live, you need to push the limits and expand your world... I definitely found a line in the sand that day...ugh.