LSU and our Offense - Burrows

The real question is, has Sean taken his system and made it too complicated.
Now, I know I'm talking College vs Pro's, but LSU does two things that stand out as different from the Saints.

1. They run Slant routes and let the WR's pick up YAC and occasionally take shots deep downfield. They also will get the TE involved, but they don't substitute nearly as much as we do. They keep the same guys on the field and change out more on a series basis.

2. They let their RB's have a series and stick with the Hot Hand. This is something Sean has always struggled with. He'd let Ingram run on 1st down, Ingram would get 10 yards, then Sean would send him to the bench.....WHY?!!!

Again, you can't argue with the success we had offensively Sunday, but he could make things so much easier on our offense. He could still run mismatch concepts and not water anything down, but if it's it until they stop you.