What is the strangest place you have ever been?
A pedophiles house when I was 11. Lulu Street Las Vegas Nevada.
Was riding my bike, naive to the world and it’s dangers.....seemingly nice middle aged guy stops me to talk to me while I’m riding my bike. Offers me some popcorn and chocolate (I know I was a moron, free candy van and all) well I was hungry and love chocolate. I go inside and he talks me into watching a movie...during the movie he gets a blanket and puts it over me, then gradually tries to fondle me. That’s when it finally clicked to me that something was wrong with this guy and I jetted back home. Cops were at my house when I got back as I’d been gone longer than my parents thought I should be.
Probably one of the strangest encounters I’ve ever had. And I’ve had quite a few dandies in my wild life.