Bobby Hebert said he hopes Eli Apple goes to IR
OK, back to work then...Why do we need the opinionated Cajun drunk on the radio if he's going to say mean things?, you ask.
We sit here on SR posting Apple has stunk up the great outdoors all year and do you think Apple ever hears it? NO!
I'm not sure how many Who Dats are posters on SR. I'm not even sure if most Saints fans read it. Ask Andrus. My generous guess is that we represent only about 15-20% of the most diehard fans.
Point is, when we say it, we preach to the choir. When Bobby says it....well - now we get a motivated Apple (and his wife):
Now, let's see if Apple mans up to the challenge Bobby sent his way!
Anyway, I'll just let this die because I didn't come to SR to discuss freedom of the press, political correctness or communications theory. All I know is that 20% of people are going to love Bobby no matter what he says or does - 20% of people are going to hate him no matter what he does. The other 60% are like Apple's wife "Bobby Who"???
What an adsurb post and inane comparison, imho. The big difference between all of us here on SR and Bobby on WWL, Andrus doesn't pay any if us for what we say or write. Bobby, however, does get paid by WWL. Since he wasn't hired to be WWL's Howard Stern or any other sort of "shock jock" (as far as I can tell) it behooves him to show a modicum of decorum concerning what he has to say about the Saints and the players. He has been doing this job for too long to continue to have diarrhea of the mouth. I don't know if alcohol does play a large role or not, but he does seem to need some kind of intervention. I'm not one calling for him to be fired, but something does need to be done, like maybe a suspension - something that would force him to think before opening his mouth.
Those who are defending him have that right, but those who feel he stepped way over the line also have the right to voice their opinion.
And in my opinion, Bobby offered no "challenge" to Apple, only criticism and a desire to see him removed from play by any means necessary. And, as has been pointed out by many here, there were many ways he could have phrased it where it didn't sound as if he were wishing injury on a player. But he did, and he hasn't rectified it yet. So, he will probably continue to get grief until he does.
And by the way, you didn't really help your cause by referring to Annie Apple as his wife rather than his mother. That gave the impression that (a) you did not read the tweet itself and/or (b) you are not as well versed on the contents of SR as you think to not know who Annie Apple is. It distracts from your contention that 60% of Who Dats are like "Apple's wife" asking "Bobby who" since most Who Dats know who Bobby Hebert is (at least as far as his place on the team, if not his role on WWL, which means his words do have greater weight than the small % of us that post on SR), but also because many of us here know how involved Annie Apple is and can state with near certainty that she started her post with a bon mot, knowing very well who Bobby Hebert is.