The Storm Troopers bit in the beginning was hilarious, but I also wanted to murder them. Actually I wanted baby Yoda to murder them. But them trying to shoot the metal object on the ground and missing, repeatedly, and badly, O..M...G... haha.
Yes, Mando hates droids due to them murdering his parents and his village. That's pretty obvious, but really great that he eventually had a ton of respect for the IG-11 'nanny droid' at the end there. He was legit sad.
When the helmet came off my wife was like.. omg.. put it back on! haha. Just like Kylo Ren.
Oh, and Baby Yoda stopping the flames and basically frying that trooper.. so cool. I actually thought he would heal Mando again, but I like that they did it with the droid using Bacta infusions.
I didn't watch Rebels, so I wasn't that familiar with the Darksaber. I thought it was just a really awesome vibroblade at first. So, does this mean he killed Bo-Katan or are they going to try to say he's "Mandalore?" Is this Gideon guy a force user? Or just a badass? They definitely set up a great antagonist.
So, are we going to find the planet of "wizard enemies"? Any shot of a run in with Luke or any Jedi he starts to train prior to Kylo killing everyone?