New Orleans set to finish 2019 with lowest murder rate since 1986

I'll take it. Who is this guy?

I do not mean to downplay the good news of a drop in the murder rate but the city is currently plagued by a massive spike on car break-ins. Uptown, Irish Channel, Lakeview, Mid-City... entire blocks are waking up every day to having all their car windows smashed. Supposedly looking for guns/money/cash but I think half of it is just anger/sport, I don't know.

But's it everywhere. My block has been hit twice in the last 6 weeks. They only got me once, but my neighbor got it both times. Because of the NOPD/DOJ consent decree the police will not engage in a chase anymore, so it seems word is out that - outside of a stray homeowner with a gun getting invovled - there is about 0.0% chance of getting stopped or arrested.

Unfortunately one woman was killed recently trying to stop a break-in as it happened. -->