Renovation - Spray foam or Batt Insulation! Advice please!

I learned something about that when we built our house. We used spray foam insulation, and when the A/C guys were installing everything, they asked us how we wanted the vents pointed. I asked him what he recommended, and he said that normally, he recommends pointing them towards the walls because the walls get heated by the sun, and if they are pointed towards the room, it will take longer to cool because of the heat absorbed by the wall. He said that because we were using the spray foam insulation, it made less of a difference because the interior walls wouldn't be as warm.

One thing I'd add about the spray foam/traditional insulation debate. While it isn't relevant to the OP because he was only looking to do the attic....Something that never gets mentioned in the debate is critters. When we had spray foam insulation, we had almost no non-flying critters in the house. We saw no spiders, scorpions, etc. Since the foam seals everything up, there are no pathways for the bugs to get in.

Excellent point.

The contrary point is there is also such a tight envelope that without a make-up air system you end up with a potential air quality problem. Bugs can't get in. Moisture can't get in or escape. If your ac isn't running long enough you can build up moisture and feel uncomfortable at 70.

Every time you spray cleaner or other chemical in your house, it stays there unless it's flushed out naturally or mechanically. Over time, if you are not cleaning the air in a very tight house it will build up toxic residue from off-gasing building materials or cleaning products.

We build SIP houses as often as our clients will let us. They are as tight as tight can get and without makeup air and filtration it's a recipe for problems.