I have historically had good fortune. Things tend to go my way and when they don't, it's generally more neutral than actually bad fortune. I have always wondered if it's true or not - or what. Should I be making prayers of thanks every day? I certainly won't fall into some delusion that I somehow deserve or have earned that good fortune.
I think the reality of it is that some of it is the good fortune to be in demographics that things typically go well for, and where I have needed to perform (school, work, etc.) I have been able to - but is it also a matter of perspective? I'm generally a positive person ("rose colored glasses" my wife says) so does that mean I'm not really noticing or being effective by negative things that happen? I don't think that's entirely accurate either, I truly haven't had too much adversity to really deal with.
Maybe that will change - and some true challenges will arise. I hope and pray that it doesn't, but if they do, I hope it's on me and not my loved ones (e.g. health issues or something).