What's a reasonable contract extension for Kamara to avoid possible holdout?

That's kind of where I hit the wall in comparing Kamara directly to Bell and Johnson. Both guys, when healthy, were 30-touch guys every week.

I'm assuming he and his agent's strategy would be to approach his free agency as if he's a full-time back that was in a part-time back role because that's what the coaches wanted.

I think it's highly unlikely a player with his talent is going to say "yeah, I'm basically Darren Sproles". They'll likely be looking for a team that is going to treat him (and pay him) like a feature back.

The question is - will there be a team that sees him that way? I'd imagine so. He's really, really good.

IF that is what happens then he can either sit out the year saving the Saints $977.5 mil or play for the same amount and try again next year or walk out as a free agent. With the numerous starters and key contributors that are set to be free agents (and one RFA in Taysom) tat the Saints need to sign plus leave enough space for the drafted rookies and some for emergency signings during the seaon I don't see anyway the team can afford to extend anyone still under contract next year.

Well, yeah. That's what he'd do - he'd just wait for his free agency.