The Mandalorian discussion thread

For jumping the shark I'm speaking about bringing back a character clearly intended to be dead in the OT. Yes, I'm looking at you Rise of Skywalker. I know the EU did it, and I didn't like it there either. I didn't mind the cloning angle of bringing Palpatine back in the EU which, unlike RoS, made sense. I wasn't a fan of Terminator Maul either, though they handled the stories with him well in the cartoons. In all cases bringing back these dead characters was convoluted, confuses more casual fans and shows a real lack of creativity.

Mostly I want The Mandalorian to continue to establish its own cool villains. So far they have done a great job of adding new characters to the SW lore I want to know more about and see more of. They are expanding the universe, not confining or shrinking it as RoS did. Keep building, keep growing, keep creating. They have set up more than enough new content to not have to resurrect a dead character for story ideas.
This response is less about BFett will they/won’t they, but about Palpatine resurrection
I did not ‘need’ more palpatine and I was fine with Rey being no one but here we are
Mandalorian has dipped its toe into the ‘science’ pool more that SW has done before - both with the client/doctor wanting baby yoda (probably to extract midichlorians or what ever), but also with kuiil reprogramming
I have a feeling they’re going to lean harder into ‘bad science ‘ more than the force going forward