49ers wanting to wear throwback uniforms for SB

Didn’t we reach our cap with wearing them 4 times during the regular season?
3 times. We worn all white 4 times. Color rush can only be worn 3 times.

Yes, this was the case. It is likely a contract item with Nike. People need to get over the conspiracy theory with the Saints. I do agree Riveron isn't going to give us a bone but this isn't the WWE where the Saints are the bad guys and get hosed all the time.
During the REGULAR season we can only wear our color rush 3 times. Playoffs are different, why else are the 49ers asking to wear a different uni??

P.S.- we do get hosed all the time. As long as Payton is our coach we'll continued to get bentover cause Goodell doesn't like him nor does Payton like him. Goodell is a douche and that richard has it out for us!