On what grounds? The New Orleans Saints, as an entity, had zero involvement with anything unbecoming. People who own and/or work for the Saints advised a personal friend in an area they had expertise on. The Catholic Church has 300,000 churches across the world, and has existed since circa 33 A.D. Good thing the majority of Christians didn't "remove any association with the Church" after every Judas, or there wouldn't be a deposit of faith 2,000 years later.
Pedophilia is inexcusable in every circumstance, and I'd be tempted to take justice into my own hands if it every happened to anyone I love; that said, it's a societal problem and not exclusive to the Catholic Church. In fact, it occurs in far greater numbers outside the Catholic Church than inside. I'm not giving anybody a pass; I'm simply stating that all religious - Catholic Priests, Protestant Pastors, ___ Ministers - they all come from you and me; they don't grow on trees. We raise them, and if, as a society, we have a disordered sexuality that includes every perversion and deviation, then we can expect to find that in every occupation, even those we hold to higher standards.
I think we can all agree with that, just like I think we can all agree that anyone who tried to cover up pedophilia should be prosecuted to the full. But those aren't the people whom Saints owners/personnel were assisting. The very small percentage of scum who called themselves priests and bishops who committed these crimes will most likely have a very uncomfortable enternity - they earned it. But what they did will never ruin the Church Christ started. We've had terrible men in the highest positions try to ruin the church from within over the last two millinea and fail. Darkness can't overcome the light. I don't care for the Judas' we've had throughout the ages, but a Judas doesn't change what a Jesus did, nor the sacraments He gives in His Church, nor the truth's she adheres to and teaches.
If my parish priest was a total Judas, I'd probably attend mass elsewhere, but I'd also pray for him. Last thing I'd do would be to abandon my religion - terrible priests and administrators can't erase the deposit of faith, or make the truths of faith any less true; no matter how much they try to destruct, they can't stop God from giving His grace in the sacraments. I'm a proud Catholic, and a proud Saints fan, and if anyone associated with either does something as heinous and wrong as pedolphila and a cover-up, I believe they should be punished to the full, but those donkey's aren't going to make me stop loving and believing in my Church and my team.