Poll: Soda Fountains -- Club Soda Ethics

We've all seen them. The soda fountains that have a small gray tab for water, but also one for "soda."

So my question -- if one orders water, should they also be allowed soda for free also?

The support for that line of thinking is that a) syrup isn't being utilized, so there is no additional cost to the company since the soda water is carbonated for the other drinks, and b) restaurants do not advertise club soda as an option, in the same way they don't for water -- which is given away for free typical (and mandated by some states).

Now, there may be some middle ground where someone says no it shouldn't be free, but it shouldn't be the cost of a normal fountain soda. For the exercise in this thread, let's assume there is no middle ground. Only full soda cost or free, since clearly no restaurants are out there selling just club soda at its own price point.