The idea was floated of (Changes in the cap system)

So if a player is doing his own thing and missing plays why would you leave them in there? I understand you always want your best player on the field but if your best player isn’t making plays then he’s not your best player and should be replaced.

Literally every single player would be doing that. The guy you replace him with would do the same thing.

I'm not sure that this can be any more cut and dry. I can't explain to you how the dynamics of an employer/employee relationship work if you don't already understand it. Right now, players are financially rewarded for doing things that align with team success. If you change that to players being rewarded for doing things that align with individual success (often at the expense of team success), the quality of play on the field would fall apart completely.

This is truly one of the worst ideas I've ever seen on this board.