The idea was floated of (Changes in the cap system)

Other than playoff bonus’s and such, I’ve never heard of a player making more because the team won! Players are paid based off of their past performance which is why players always seem to play their best in contract years and bump that next contract price up. Never seen it written in a players contract where if the TEAM wins X amount of games they get Y amount which means their money is not tied to the Team success. Where as a lot of players contracts do have incentive based bonuses like 1,000 yards, so many TD’s, so many sacks, workout bonuses, etc. So it must not be “the dumbest idea ever” since it’s already instituted just not to a bigger scale.
With the exception of the prove it Shermans. Seems like all players would be on prove it deals and that may take away from the TEAM concept. I do understand about the 4 or 5 or 3 year contracts...but they would still be playing Fantasy Football For Me every season.