Gayle Benson’s Public Statement On Her Connection To The Catholic Church

Hey, I get it.

But I am little confused about why someone or some entity that wants to be part of the solution should run from it.

What Gayle Benson has described is absolutely what any crisis manager worth his/her/its salt for a real non-profit would say to do -- own everything, be transparent, make amends, establish safeguards, and move on -- which is what (from my distance, anyway) the Archdiocese has done. Hell, it seems like they're doing more than the Boy Scouts.

I give the organization credit for being willing to be involved, as opposed to running and hiding and worrying about PR like so many do. I can't imagine most other organizations doing the same thing for their communities -- maybe the Rooneys in Pittsburgh, or the Mara/Tisch ownership of the Giants -- trying to do the same.

This is a hideous problem, and it's easy to run and hide and let somebody else take care of it. But that's not going to help the innocent victims, or to protect the innocent going forward. The Saints are as involved in the community as any NFL team (and I have a very close-up view of the Eagles, Giants and Jets), and if that means not just doing the easy stuff for PR reasons, good for them. If they decided this was something they needed to do, I have no beef here.

I guess we’ll have to respectfully disagree.

I want my favorite football team, which at the end of the day is a business, to have nothing to do with politics or religion.. even if that team’s nickname happens to be the ‘Saints’.. As i mentioned in the thread on this subject that someone started here a couple weeks back, i come at this from the perspective of someone who grew up catholic, was an altar boy, the whole nine.. i had friends in grade school who were, let’s just say ‘adversely affected’ (to put it mildly) by priests and enablers in our community.. i was one of the lucky ones who got out unscathed, but i cant even image the horrors my classmates experienced.

So no, i dont think it’s in any way commendable for an NFL team’s PR dept to get mixed up in that quagmire AT ALL.. if nothing else, the optics alone are atrocious... So yeah, you’re a smart guy and a good poster- but i’ll have to disagree with you on this.