Serious relationships.....

Live in gf in college - she was older (grad student) and probably taught me more about being a man than anyone

7 yr live in gf in NY - we were together for the first year (Columbia Heighrs then Brooklyn), but then I went on tour, then she started teaching in Rotterdam, then she joined Martha Graham, then I went to grad school— getting a teaching job in tx finally killed that relationship

This one’s epic - met her in DC during a time I was having an affair with a married/separated woman
We had an LDR for a few months that faded away
We reconnected when I moved to Tx and tried to make another LDR work - it didn’t
After 9/11 ( I had moved back to NO) we got back together again
She even moved diwn to NO for a time - we got engaged twice, but neither kept

And now my wife of 13 years