Are video game competitions a sport?

I think these are arguments are semantic more than anything else. There is no single definition of what a sport is, nor is there some meaningful reason to make such a classification . . . so it's kind of a waste of time, IMO.

Personally, I don't think video game e-sports are sports. But I'm certainly not going to argue with someone who presents a thoughtful argument that they are. I don't really care one way or the other. Same with Nascar.

‘Waste of time’?
are you trying to build a ‘billable hours’ case?

Language is and should be dynamic- it should change as the social landscape changes
While obviously a fluff topic, I think it does shine a light on the reality that what it means to be human (sporting athlete included)
We all present as avatars on this forum
Carrie Fisher starred in a movie after she died
I can summon groceries with no human contact whatsoever

You say semantics, I say meta commentary