Well, we have a new Batman

Hot take: The only actually good Batman movie (as in telling a Batman story that feels like an actual Batman story) in the Nolan trilogy is Batman Begins. The Dark Knight is a really good movie but it's not a particularly great Batman movie.

These are my thoughts exactly. The Dark Knight is the better movie, but Begins is the best Batman movie.

While I don't hate it, it's definitely the weakest of the three films. Bane's annoying voice, some plot holes, and especially the dopey bomb countdown ending hurt it.

Begins is by far the best of the three. Dark Knight would have been really good if they hadn't forced the "Batman sacrifices his credibility to save Harvey's memory" thing at the end. That kind of ruined an otherwise excellent film for me. I know they were following the Frank Miller story line from the comics, but by combining the Joker and Two Face story lines, it caused the ending to make no sense.

I thought they followed Loeb with the Long Halloween with that plot with Harvey.