Well, we have a new Batman

While I totally agree Begins is the best of the Nolan trilogy, I'll never understand the disdain for Rises.

For me, it was always a logic issue. There are good aspects - Catwoman was appropriately morally gray, Bane wasn't terrible - but I couldn't get over healing a broken back with a slap. I couldn't get over Batman flying a nuke offshore with seconds to spare, knowing that it would be nowhere near far enough to prevent it from having catastrophic ecological impacts on Gotham, at LEAST. Didn't love the Talia/Bane twist. And I just hate the idea of Batman looking to hang up the tights. His drive is what makes him, him. I don't think he's someone generally looking to retire to Paris with a lady friend. And there was the cringe-worthy "you should go by your middle name...Robin."

And I say that as someone who generally goes into movies and doesn't pick up on plot holes or logic flaws as long as it feels authentic. It just always felt like a movie that Nolan wasn't sure what he wanted to do with. I think Heath Ledger's passing probably had a fair amount to do with that considering they always said they wouldn't recast.