Comic Book Talk

That's good to hear. Still, I'm not looking forward to this 5G thing. I'll probably check out of buying my usual books during that period of time. The whole idea of Superman retiring and his son taking over doesn't hold much appeal to me. If they want to tell stories with his son, do it in his own book.

Hell, I think they've already started to re-think it. We've heard rumblings (I write reviews and guest host a Batman-centric podcast) that rumblings and early backlash already has DiDio backtracking on some of the plans, especially the length of the event.

Warner needs to see that the main problem with DC is Dan DiDio (and to an extent Jim Lee since he has no backbone to push back on DiDio when he should).

I will say if AT&T is crazy enough to let DC go, if I were Netflix, I would swoop it up in a New York second. Millarworld can't compete with what that IP would bring.