Vonn Bell

We tried to play Hicks at DE. There is no excuse for that.

You're exaggerating what they've said imo. Lebron James has made it pretty clear he puts more time and effort into things like nutrition and keeping his body healthy as he gets older. Most professional athletes learn to take better care of themselves and tend to watch more film as they age. I don't think Drew Brees had the same routine in San Diego that he does now. Neither does Brady.

Guys like Michael Thomas are the exception, not the rule.

And Jenkins last season here was one of his best. The three safety set worked precisely because Jenkins was so versatile. The other two safeties in that set were largely one dimensional. I'm not saying it was easy to predict what he would become, but there's a reason Payton admits to making a mistake. If it were just "Jenkins wasn't trying when he was with us" then Payton wouldn't have any regrets in the first place.

I didn't think my wording would be taken literally. Maximum effort is a Deadpool reference. What I'm saying is that the Saints parting ways with the players reinvigorated them. They used it as motivation and became better players. But in order to become better players they had to be released.

They have both talked about looking in the mirror and getting more serious about their craft.

And I think SP's regrets about the situation are more about trying to replace a solid starter with a high priced Free Agent. You release a guy and then he promptly starts going to Pro Bowls and the All Pro you signed to replace him is nowhere to be found. Yeah, I can see where there would be some regret. But Jenkins probably never becomes the player he became without the Saints moving on. It's a chicken or the egg situation.