Any other health care workers on this site?

I'm sure there are quite a few of us here. I'm the director of rehab at a skilled nursing facility, and my staff and I are now considered essential personnel. Our facility will be taking patients from area hospitals, but those who are positive for coronavirus will not be on therapy caseload. My concern is for my OT and my PTA, both of whom are pregnant. I also worry about the less-healthy staff of our facility.

I feel doctors, nurses, PA's, CRN-P's, GNA's/CNA's, etc. are the first-line troops, but that we've just been called up from our reserve role.

How about you all? What are your roles in this?

Personally, I can't wait until it's over. We can take a collective deep breath, then all go out and share drinks/stories. Here's hoping for a speedy resolution, and perhaps even some perspective and insight going forward, but I won't hold my breath.

Please stay healthy!
Good luck to you and all the prayers I can think of. God bless you.