COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Problem is how do you separate it for discussion. The president just came out and overruled every single health advisor. Which would be fine, if people actually had a clear thought through plan that people agreed on. But he doesn’t. He has no plan at all. Congress is at a roadblock because the democrats will not go along with businesses using this bailout money to do stock buy backs, inflate a bottom line while they fire people. The democrats believe in getting money in the hands of the people and grants to small business to pay their employees. So, how is this separated out.

It has to be separated out to some degree otherwise this turns quickly into primarily a political discussion rather than an informative one. There is a political discussion site for the rest. That said, no matter how sanitized from politics we try to get, there's really no avoiding a cursory discussion of it, particularly when it comes to the press conferences which more often than not is political as much as PSA.

The goal of this thread is to provide a place where we Saints fans and the rest of the readers of this thread can educate themselves about the virus and discuss how we can prepare during this crazy time. There's enough of that without the political component, as integral as it is. I think I am most interested in whether the preparations we are making and policies to fight the virus are good and effective. I've learned a ton here and hope we can continue to have that type of discussion.

Every now and then we've gotten a bit off track, but usually we manage to find our way back to that end goal.