COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

Frozen food for now, seems to be the best choice as I do not think the virus will survive for long in a frozen atmosphere. JMO though.

Many basic science labs that use viruses as tools in their research will refrigerate or freeze them for longterm storage. The cold temp helps maintain their viability.

I did a search to see about cold temps and Sars-Cov-2 and found this link:
Although it is dated 21 Feb 2020, I think it is still decent info.

A couple of sentences stood out:
In general, coronaviruses are very stable in a frozen state according to studies ofother coronaviruses, which have shownsurvivalfor up to twoyears at -20°C.

Specifically, coronaviruses are thermolabile, which means that they are susceptible to normal cooking temperatures (70°C).

Got this link from Serious Eats