COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)

I think they are just finding a balance. Just because you are considered "essential" doesn't mean you have to be open. That's left up to the business owner. With that being said if the business decides to open its up to that business to be responsible about it. For example, I work for an equipment rental/hardware store. We are considered "essential" so we are open. But we roped off an area at the front door and the customer is limited to that area and only one customer at a time. Our employees gets the merchandise and brings it to the customer along with any paper work that needs to be signed. I feel safe and it allows me to continue to have a job through this situation.
I think many businesses would close if they knew the government was going to cover the cost of a 2-4 week leave. My friend was talking about how they had a meeting on it and it's like, "well, we will have to do it, but how?" That's the jist I got from him talking on the phone for just a few minutes while rattling off 20 other things.