COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US)
I feel like a broken record. Some politics will be ok in here. Some won't be. Stop the bickering. Stop the political cheer leading. Focus on actions, results, information. Helpful stuff. Anything that gets too deep, may be subject to deletion. By multiple mods/admins and varied political affiliations. No specific politician attacks. No "sides" attacks.
There has been a lot of posts deleted.
I'd also suggest this. Stop having commentary about the discussion and just have the damn discussion. "is this now allowed" "well, since we are allowing this, let me add this". blah blah blah. It's all unhelpful and many of us aren't in the mood to deal with this tripe. We have a bigger issue here folks. Focus on the bigger issue please.
EDIT: Additional Statement. If you find yourself arguing back and forth about something, take it to PM.