We've actually started to eat pick up because I don't want to entirely run out of food. We cooked at home tonight, but some specific ingredients are still a bit difficult to find.
I allowed myself to go a bit hoarder-nuts late last week. A local grocer was advertising briskets(Choice, meh) for 1.69/lb. My nearby store had none and would have none, and they have been out of chicken and pork as well. On my way to work I stopped at a Tom Thumb and begged the butcher for 2 briskets. I didn't even care how they looked, I'm usually picky. So I got briskets, and they had chicken so I bought 2 packs of chicken breasts and 1 of thighs. On the way home, the wife tells me the local Costco has TP, so I set out over there, wait outside to get in, no TP, no paper towels, etc. But I picked up 2 packs of boneless pork butts for a total of 4 butts(hehe). I would normally not buy boneless, but then again, these ain't normal times. It'll smoke up the same. So we're good on meat for over a month now. About that tp though.....
On the TP we have, I have enacted a strict 3 sheet per wipe rule. If anyone is suspected of using more than 3 sheets, the roll will be removed from the bathroom and 3 sheets per wipe will be handed under the door.