At least they didn’t phase out the bottom of it like was the original intention. That would cause serious issues. 2400 bucks is a gold mine for some families
It sure is, but the problem with the plan is that there are plenty of families that will have made too much in 2018 to qualify but in 2020 need the money because of losing jobs or income between 2018 and now or who will lose jobs because of COVID 19.
In addition, "need" shouldn't even be a criteria if part of the point of this is to stimulate the economy. People who don't "need" it likely would have just spent it on things they normally would not have bought but would buy if they had extra money. That would help to stimulate the economy and end up meaning there are less jobs lost.
But the biggest issue is that by requiring a means test, it is going to greatly delay the delivery of the money and mean that by the time the money gets out there it will be too late for many in need and may be too late to really help the economy.