Working from home (Covid 19 edition)

I hate it thus far. It is a weird dynamic.

So typically when I am in the office, I am extremely busy, going 120 mph at all times, outside of the occasional quick one minute break to check SR or Twitter maybe once every few hours. When I am not at my desk, I am in meetings and such, or busy on a project, or training my staff on something, etc., and everyone in the building understands that, including my bosses, and I generally start work early, before-hours, and end work late, after-hours.

But now, when working from home, no one sees how extremely busy you are, how early you started, how late you ended, and if you don't answer your phone immediately or respond to an email immediately, it is automatically assumed that you're lounging around watching TV. It's like your availability-level has decreased because of the increased phone meetings and general increase in time devoted to communicating with your staff, but some people don't understand the impact of all of that.

I am literally in my home office all day, haven't turned on the TV once, maybe got out of my chair once all day long to make a sandwich, and have worked non-stop the entire day, but you're expected more so now more than ever to be immediately available for any and everything. Frustrating.

:::end rant:::